Rabbit Awareness Week 2014


Rabbit Awareness Week (10th – 18th May) is a nationwide event that aims to make the public aware of the welfare needs of rabbits.

Rabbits make very rewarding pets as they are intelligent, fun and inquisitive. However, they do live up to 10 years plus and are a long term commitment. We want to make sure that your decision to choose a rabbit as your pet is the right one.

Rabbit awareness week is an annual campaign that Not Just Pets supports. We take it as an opportunity to educate local owners and potential owners on how to take care of their pets properly.  We aim to raise awareness of caring for rabbits as well as raising funds and promote local charities.

In order for an animal to thrive and be happy there are five main areas that need to be met. These areas are Diet, Environment, Behaviour, Company and Health.

Whether you are an existing owner or plan to be one there is a wealth of knowledge to be found during Rabbit Awareness Week.

In store we are holding an open day in conjunction with Bath Bunny rescue. There will be a fabulous raffle and cake sale to raise essential funds for the charity. Here is the star cake from the last cake sale!

The date for your diary is Saturday 10th May. We will be holding the Open day at our Bath store 8-9 St James Parade.

Our staff will be on hand to guide you through any rabbit purchases you may need help with and Michelle from Bath Bunny Rescue will be in store to answer your questions and to chat about all things rabbit.

Michelle will also be bringing in some rabbits with her so please come and visit them for a cuddle!

Rabbit themed incentives and promotions will be available so come and get a treat or learn something new during Rabbit Awareness Week!



We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:

On Facebook:(https://www.facebook.com/NotJustPets) and Twitter: (https://twitter.com/NotJustPets) and  Pinterest: (https://www.pinterest.com/notjustpets/)

We are now on Instagram! – notjustpets Follow us and see some fantastic photos!

We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today! 

Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at bathpets@aol.com or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!