Read More Guest Post from ExoticDirect What is the Average Lifespan of a Pet Tortoise?

Guest Blog – Keeping Parrots safe at Christmas Time
Christmas Trees and Parrots

Here at Not Just Pets we endorse responsible pet ownership and advise all our customers on the best possible set ups and we sell all the products listed in the article. This guest blog regarding keeping parrots safe at Christmas time fits with the Not Just Pet ethos of they’re not just pets, they’re family!
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Guest Post – Christmas is a time for giving – but is it a time for giving pets?
Christmas is a time for giving – but is it a time for giving pets?
Christmas is a great time for buying the people you love something they’ll love.
And often pets can top the list of the most ‘wanted pressie’. However, although your chosen pet may be super appealing at the time, you need to make sure that after Christmas the glamour doesn’t wear off.
Sadly, the number of exotic pets being dumped is on the increase and the RSPCA have recently seen a significant increase in the number of exotics they’ve had to rescue.
So what are the kind of things you should consider before you make that purchase? ExoticDirect explain what you need to think about.
1. What kind of housing will your pet need? If it’s a lizard you may well need a heat lamp, a UV lamp, a thermometer, hide and suitable substrate. The vivarium will also need to be big enough to accommodate your growing pet. You’ll also need to ensure there is a temperature gradient within the vivarium, to replicate the lizard’s natural environment.
2. If you’re purchasing a tortoise, you’ll need to provide lighting and heating, UV lighting, a thermometer and suitable substrate. You’ll also need to buy a tortoise table, or a vivarium. It’s essential that you provide the correct husbandry for your lizard or tortoise otherwise it could lead to significant health problems.
3. A bird will need a suitable sized cage, plenty of toys and suitable food. Your home itself should be safe and secure, so that when your parrot is out of his cage, he can’t injure himself or escape outside.
4. Small mammals will require a suitable sized cage, a ‘run’ and suitable food.
1. Lizards: These pets love their live food! Are you prepared to pick out locusts and meal worms for your lizard? If not, these pets might not be quite right for you!
You should ensure you know where you can buy good quality food from. Poor quality live food can lead to such issues as parasites – where the parasite lives inside the live food, and is then transferred to your lizard when eaten. You should also ensure your provide plenty of calcium in your lizards diet to prevent metabolic bone disease.
2. Parrots also have specific food requirements. You can offer fresh food and pellets; fresh food with a seed based diet or an alternation of both with fresh food added daily.
3. Tortoises often eat herbage. A mixed weed diet is best for a Mediterranean tortoise, avoiding harmful weeds such as buttercups. Dandelions are particularly good for tortoises. You can also feed your tortoise vegetables. Like with lizards, you should provide plenty of calcium in your tortoise’s diet to prevent metabolic bone disease.
4. Small Mammals: If you’re purchasing a Guinea Pig or Rabbit you’ll need to provide plenty of hay and/or grass. This is because their teeth continually grow, and chewing hay helps to grind down their teeth. Dental issues are extremely common in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits, and can lead to a lot of pain for them, and a huge vet bill for you. Hay also helps to maintain a heathy digestion.
Guinea Pigs also need lots of vitamin C in their diet. This is because like us, their bodies don’t naturally produce it – they can only get it from their diet. Without lots of vitamin C, they can develop Scurvy – which isn’t nice!
Vet fees
1. With the best care in the world, exotic pets can and do get ill. Vet fees can often quickly escalate. Especially if your pet is referred from a normal ‘cat and dog’ treating vet, to an exotic vet.
2. You should consider getting insurance in order to cover unexpected vet bills.
House proofing
Does your house need to be house proofed? And where will you keep the enclosure?
Vivarium’s can be large, and you may need to move a room around in order to accommodate it.
Parrots have very specific environment requirements. They have a very sensitive respiratory system, and common household scents can be toxic for birds. The fumes from burnt Teflon (found on non stick cooking equipment) can be fatal. Additionally, you need to ensure that there are no items in the house that can cause your parrot to get injured or choke. Finally, you need to ensure safety – windows and door should be kept closed if your parrot is out of his cage.
Going on holiday?
You’ll need to think about who’ll care for your pet if you go away. Will your neighbour or friend be happy to care your lizard, giving him live food regularly?
Will your parrot be happy with you going away? Parrots are very intelligent and emotional birds, and become very attached to their owners. If you’re going away on holiday, it’s likely that your parrot could become very distressed in your absence. This could lead to significant health issues – such as feather plucking.
Will your friends and family be scared of your pet?
Not so much of an issue if you’re opting for a cute rabbit or guinea pig. But if you’re choosing a parrot or a lizard, visitors could become nervous. A rogue parrot flying around thehouse can be scary. And lizards, although adorable and fascinating, could make some people nervous if not kept in their vivarium.
All pets love a bit of love, time and attention.
1. Lizards: If you already own one of these, you’ll know how much time they can take up. If it’s not showing them affection, it’s ensuring their housing is at the right temperature, their food requirements are met, and that they are clean, and free from any sign of illness.
2. Parrots: These are probably one of the most demanding pets emotionally. African Grey’s for example can have the mental age of a 5 year old child. Parrots can get bored, distressed, excited, and attach to their owner. They are often a full time job in themselves, as they require a lot of stimulation.
3. Small mammals: In the case of rabbits a hutch is just not a large enough space for the pet to roam. You should ensure that your rabbit is let out of his cage for a large part of his day – a ‘run’ is a great place for this. Before you buy your rabbit, think about how you’re going to provide him with enough exercise.
Finally, once you’ve done all your research, you’ll be armed with the right information to provide your new pet with a loving home.
Fact: Did you know that nearly 55% of exotic pet owners were surprised at the level of care required for their pet? (Based on a study conducted by ExoticDirect in their 2014
Here at Not Just Pets we endorse responsible pet ownership and advise all our customers on the best possible set ups and we sell all the products listed in the article. This guest blog regarding responsible pet ownership of exotic pets fits with the Not Just Pet ethos of being they’re not just pets, they’re family!
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Halloween Family Fun at Not Just Pets Bath
Something Spooky is going on in our Bath store!
A weekend of Family Halloween Fun!
On Friday 30th October, Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November our store in Bath will be transformed and you can take part in our spooky trail around the store! Follow the clues and find out where the treats are hidden!
We will have offers on all weekend on bones, flashing collars, calming products as well as some foods.
On the Friday we have Kelly from Canagan and Richard from Gor Pets visiting the store they will be here to talk about their products, offering information and advice.
On the Saturday we will have Avon Wildlife Trust in store talking about local wildlife and Bath Bat Group are bringing bats to meet!
It is a great chance to find out about calming products for all animals, raise awareness and funds for local wildlife charities as well as have some spooky fun!
There will be live animal handling, face painting, spooky cupcakes and treats!
We will continue our spooky weekend offers and promotions into Sunday.
We hope you will be able to join us!
What? Halloween family fun day with activities, offers and guests
Where? 10 St James Parade Bath BA1 1UL – 01225 461461
When? Friday 30th October – Sunday 1st November
We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!
Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:
We are now on Instagram! – notjustpets Follow us and see some fantastic photos!
We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today!
Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!
Guest Blog – Tips to Healthier and Happier Furry Friends
Tips to Healthier and Happier Furry Friends
Keeping your pet healthy and happy all the time may take a lot of work. Should you decide to take the challenge, Jordan Walker, a pet-related blog enthusiast and content curator of Coops and Cages, gives you some tips so you can give your pets the happiness and health level they deserve.
As pet owners, we always want to provide only the best for our furry friends. To properly take care of them, one must remember that while it is important to provide them with what they want, their needs must always come first.
Feed Their Hearts
Most pet owners don’t hesitate to show their affection and care for their pets, because the most rewarding part of being a pet owner is that you get to have your furry friend’s unconditional loyalty.
To fully show that you care, you can provide him with a warm and comfortable shelter. Pets enjoy having their own space at their owners’ home. Make sure that you also provide him with clean, dry, and cushioned bedding or mat that is of the right size.
Another way of showing your affection is through showering your pet with praise when he successfully performs a trick or when he follows your instruction or obeys your command.
If you truly want to keep a pet for long, remember that you’ll need to spare enough time to bond with him. A simple walk on the beach or a few minutes of playtime at home can make your pet happy.
Feed Their Bodies
Pet owners know that maintaining their furry friend’s health is of utmost importance. In this area, you’ll need to focus on healthy diet, exercise, and good grooming.
When shopping for pet food, always make sure to check the labels as well as the ingredients. Although it’s true that most of the expensive products are made of premium-quality ingredients, not all of these are good for your pets. Always opt for those that have just the right amount of calories and those that are made with natural and safe ingredients. Also, make sure that you provide him with clean water at all times.
For your pet’s exercise, you can take him with you for a morning run or a short walk. These activities can also help strengthen your joints, muscles, and bones.
To keep your pet clean, a regular bath can be done. Good grooming helps prevent the growth of ticks, bacteria, parasites, and other harmful disease-causing microorganisms.
Feed Their Minds
Who wouldn’t want to have a smart pet? Most people like smart pet that is why they opt to teach their pets some tricks.While training your pets also get to enjoy the feeling of being able to do something out of the ordinary; and when they know that their accomplishments make you happy, they’d most likely feel happy too.
There are a lot of things that can be done so your pet stays happy and healthy. Although it may not be easy, knowing that their furry friend can live longer and happier inspires pet owners to continue what they are doing for their animal friends.
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Author: Jordan Walker
Jordan likes to write for many pet-related blogs, and he is also the lead content curator for Coops and Cages. His passion for animals is only matched by his love for “attempting” to play the guitar. Catch him on Google+ or Twitter through the account @CoopsAndCages.
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