Welcome to Not Just Pets and our online pet shop in the UK!
We pride ourselves on customer care and actively encourage responsible pet ownership.

Valentine's Day is all about celebrating the ones we love the most in life, whether they're our partners, our friends, or even our pets. Cats make loyal and loving companions, so if you're looking for a way to show your favourite felin...

This month we invited our customers to have "holiday pics" taken in our #Frome store in honour of #NationalDogDay - how? We put up a beach backdrop and invited customers in with their dogs to take a frolic on the "beach" and get their...

We are running a little series about our Not Just Pets Team and their pets. Last month we featured Wendy in our Frome shop and this time up is Elisa, who works in our Larkhall shop in Bath, who has been with us since 2004 - you can fin...