Monthly Archives: February 2013

It’s our Birthday! Open Day on Saturday 23rd February raising money for Bath Cats and Dogs Home!

 Wow! Where has that year gone? We have been in our new premises for a year now so to celebrate we thought it was time for one of our (almost) famous Open Days!

This will be at our Bath store on Saturday, 23rd February and Claverton from Bath Cats and Dogs Home will be joining us too as we will be raising funds for the Home!

Things to look forward to are:

  • A BIG Raffle – first prize of £75 pet portrait with Alice Ladkin plus many more prizes! (all proceeds to Bath Cats and Dogs Home) – get your tickets now! 
  • Face painting! 
  • Claverton from Bath Cats and Dogs Home
  • Nature’s Way, Royal Canin and Barking Heads – nutrition advice AND special offers
  • Small animal advice and offers from Supreme Pet Foods 
  • Hungry Hector himself and his treats!
  • Animal Handling
  • Animal behaviourist from 10am to 1pm
  • Free Drink and Nibbles AND a VOUCHER to spend instore  if you pick up an invitation now
  • David the Vet from Nature’s Veterinary from 1pm to 4pm 
  • Staff in Fancy Dress

… and more!


So why not join in the fun, raise funds for Bath Cats and Dogs Home AND bag yourself an offer on the day!

You can follow us on Twitter at @NotJustPets, on Facebook at on our website at or you can contact us

by email at:

by telephone at: 01225 461461

in person at 8-9 St James Parade, Bath, BA1 1UL