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Keep Cool and Carry On – some tips on keeping your dog cool this summer

The next few days are going to be really hot. Dogs are very vulnerable to canine heat stroke and not all pups are sensible about keeping cool. Dogs regulate heat with panting and can only sweat through small glands in their paws and noses and often this isn’t enough to keep their body temperature in the right zone. To prevent heatstroke and other heat-related issues with your dog, here are some tips to help keep your dog cool.

1. Walk early or late

If you need to walk your dog, try going for an early morning or late evening walk to avoid the heat of the day. If you can, choose woodland walks or somewhere with water so your dog can cool off with a paddle or swim. Ursa LOVES water – but she also loves to shake vigorously after! Watch out!

Watch out for the post dip shake!

2. Protect those paws!

Please remember our roads and pavements get so hot so quickly in summer. Avoid pavement walking if you can but if you can only walk in urban areas, before you walk, place your hand on the pavement and if it is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for your dog’s paws. This can cause serious damage to your pet. You can protect paws with Pawz boots or similar, but better to stick to cooler surfaces, or stay home!

3. Cool spots

Make sure your dog has cool spots to lie in, whether indoors or out. Find or create shade (damp towels over the crate are great) and use a cool mat or damp towels on the ground so they can be super chilled.

If you’re short on time or travelling the gel cooling beds are perfect. We sell various cool mats in our stores.

4. Water and water play
Most dogs love to cool off in water, although not all. Yesterday we showed you our sprinkler mats which are perfect for dogs to play in and cool off. You can buy doggie paddling pools or create your own with enough water just to step in and out of for a cooling paddle.

If your dog doesn’t like this idea, using a wet towel or flannel on the legs and body will help – or if they like the hose, a quick gentle hose down. These will all help keep your pooch cool.

Drinking water: please keep a good eye on your dog’s water bowl and maybe pop a couple more bowls (or ice cream tubs) around to remind him/her to drink. Ursa loves to drink from our bird bath! You can even pop in an ice cube to keep the drinking water cool, just make sure it is fresh and clean.

5. Cool coats

A cooling coat is an easy way of keeping your dog cool, especially if you have to go out. We sell a range of cooling coats in different sizes and colours. All you need to do is wet the coat and wring out excess water, then pop it on your dog. As the heat of the day slowly evaporates the moisture from the coat, excess heat is drawn from the dog’s body, leaving them cooler, even in high temperatures.

6. Restrict play

You don’t want your dog to overheat by over-exercising, but they will often want to play, regardless of the temperature. Reduce the temptation by hiding favourite throw toys away for the day. If you have playful dogs that live together, consider separating them so that they don’t excite eachother.

7. Doggie iced treats

There are plenty of safe, delicious doggie iced treats and dairy-free doggy ice creams on the market and we sell Frozzy’s and Billy+Margot iced treats. You can also make your own at home or freeze their kibble (maybe with a layer of wet food underneath and add water).

8. Cool toys

Why not freeze a stuffed Kong or their favourite chew toy? Better still, freeze them in water in an ice cream tub and give them a puzzle to solve while they try to retrieve their frozen toy treat. We also sell special Cool Toys, perfect and safe for the freezer.

9. Grooming

Grooming/brushing your dog every day will help keep him/her cool as it removes any insulating dead hair caught in their fur.  If your dog is a breed which can be clipped, then having a regular trim at the groomers will also help. Ask the fab folk at  @Millionhairs for any further advice on your dog breed’s need.

10. Doggie air-con

This is a great idea from our friends at @Yumove. Do you have a fan and a freezer?  Freeze a large container of water – maybe a large ice cream tub- then set up the fan so that it blows over the ice and sends cool air towards your dog’s bed. To ensure that your dog doesn’t knock the fan, pop it on a high surface and angle downwards to keep everyone safe. Brilliant idea! 

Keep cool and carry on, everyone!


Please also remember NEVER to leave your dog in a car in hot weather, it takes just a few minutes for them to overheat and less than 15 minutes to die. Just a 2° increase in body temperature is enough for heat stroke to kick in. See this graphic from @vets-now.

Follow us on Facebook at and Instagram and Twitter at @NotJustPets – we would love to see pics of your pets keeping cool!

Not Just Pets, 1 Market Place, Frome, BA11 1AG. Tel: 01373 462068

Hedgehog Awareness Week 2nd-8th May 2021

Next week is #HedgehogAwarenessWeek and we give a few tips here regarding hedgehog care taken from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

Happy hog

1. Avoid  using  pesticides  and  slug  pellets  in  your  garden.  Not only can these harm hedgehogs but also damage their food chain. Use organic methods instead.

2. Make  sure  hedgehogs  have  easy  access  to  your  garden. Ensure boundary fences or walls have a 13cm x 13cm gap in the bottom to allow hedgehogs to pass through. Keep a corner  of your  garden wild  to  offer  shelter,  protection and natural food for hedgehogs and other wildlife. Encourage hedgehogs into your garden, but you should never just move one in from another area, as it may well have a nest of dependent young that you would be condemning to death.

3. Provide a shallow dish of fresh water for all wildlife, and food such as meaty hedgehog food, meaty cat or dog food or cat biscuits for hedgehogs, especially during long dry spells.

4. Make or buy a hedgehog home, this offers a hibernation site that is safer from predators in the winter. It may also be used as a nesting box for a mother and her hoglets in the warmer months. The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can provide a leaflet on building a hedgehog home (see

5. Check areas thoroughly for hedgehogs and other wildlife before strimming or mowing. Keep pea netting 22-30cms (9 – 12 inches) off the ground so that hedgehogs can pass safely under and plants will grow to the netting. 

6. Dispose of litter responsibly. Every year hedgehogs are injured by litter and starve to death by getting trapped in discarded rubbish.

7. Bonfires offer a tempting home for a hedgehog. Ideally, collected materials should be re-sited just before the fire is to be lit, if this is not possible, the base should be lifted up with poles or broom  handles  (not  a  fork!)  and  a  torch  shone  in  to  look  (and  listen)  for  any  wildlife  or  pets  in need of rescue before lighting. Once checked, light from one side only to allow an escape route for anything you may have missed.

8. Hedgehogs are good swimmers but can become trapped in ponds or pools with sheer sides. Keep water levels topped up, provide a gently sloping edge if possible or place half submerged rocks in the water as an escape for them.

9. Cattle  grids  can  be  a  problem,  hedgehogs  fall  in  and  become  trapped,  a simple  ramp  placed in the grid will save lives. The surface should be rough to enable the escapee to gain a foothold. Holes in the ground should be covered over or surrounded by a barrier that keeps hedgehogs out.

10. Take care on the roads, hedgehogs are nocturnal so are out at night. A hedgehog’s natural defence mechanism is to roll into a ball – this is no match for a vehicle.

AT Not Just Pets we sell quality foods like Brambles and Spike’s as well as dried and live mealworm. We also sell hedgehog hides and habitats. We offer FREE local delivery, too.

Check out our Facebook and Instagram Pages below:

Guest Post: The Importance of Keeping your Pet Active

Keeping pets active is important for their general health, but it is very easy for some to become inactive. Like humans, pets have personalities, and some will be more susceptible to a little laziness. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems that comes from inactivity is obesity, so all pet owners need to take steps to encourage their pets to stay more active. The following tips will help you do just that.

The problem with pet obesity Obesity in pets is certainly an issue in the UK. So much so, that figures released in 2016 showed that over 60% of vets said that obesity was the biggest welfare concern for pets. So making sure you keep your pet’s weight down is really important .

One of the biggest causes of obesity in pets is overeating, but a lack of activity plays a major role too. Whilst awareness has improved, this is still a problem, and one that all pet owners need to be aware of.

Benefits of keeping your pet active

In addition to maintaining a healthy weight, there are plenty of other reasons to keep your pet active, including:

  • Reducing the ageing effect.
  • Maintaining healthy joints.
  • Teaching discipline.
  • Supporting good mental health and reducing anxiety.

Activity is such a huge part of a pet’s life, but sometimes it can be difficult to do. With that in mind, here are some top tips to help keep your pet active:

  1. Encourage them to head outdoors

This one’s particularly aimed at dog and cat owners. Sometimes you’ll have a furry friend that flatly refuses to go outdoors and would rather just curl up on the sofa. So, you have to give them a reason to get out there. This is especially true with some cats, as they tend to do their own thing. Think about what you could put in your garden to make those first steps and encourage them to get out and explore.

  • Make the house a playground

Just like giving your pet a reason to go outside, you need to encourage them to exercise indoors too. With smaller pets like hamsters, it’s all about utilising tunnels, wheels, hoops and other DIY hamster toys. With cats it can be as simple as chasing some string around – even they won’t be able to resist that instinct! And for dogs, get yourself a rolled-up towel or piece of rope and have a good old game of tug of war.

Setting up activities in the home is great for everyday exercise, but it’s also really good when you can’t get out to exercise the dog. Whether it’s appalling weather, an illness or anything else that stops you both leaving the house, you’ll always have something to fall back on.

  1. It’s ok to treat

Finally, let’s talk about treats. But we’re trying to lower obesity, aren’t we? Yes we are, so that means using treats for rewards. Animals are as susceptible to conditioning as humans, so once they see the link between them running around and getting a treat, they’ll be more inclined to do so. There are plenty of products that release treats as a result of your pet doing the work, so you don’t even have to worry about regulating it yourself.

As you can see, it’s really important to keep your pet active, and you can play a big role. Whether it’s finding a way to get your cat to explore the great outdoors, playing tug of war with the dog, or making DIY hamster toys, try different things, and before you know it you’ll have a much livelier pet on your hands.


Don’t forget too that here at @NotJustPets we stock high quality, nutritious foods such as grain-free foods like Canagan for dogs and cats, low-fat, good quality pet treats as well as chondroitin and glucosamine supplements and treats for healthy joints. We also stock a vast range of interactive and other toys for your pet, from hamster to hound. Why not pop in to our stores in Frome and Larkhall or take a look at our website at or find us on Facebook at on Twitter at and on Instagram at

We are always happy to help with your pet queries. Get in touch via our website or email at or telephone us on 01373 462068. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!

Not Just Pets 10 year Anniversary Charity Open Day a Huge Success

We celebrated our 10th anniversary last month here in our Bath city centre store with a big party and a fun game challenge by the Abbey in Kingston Parade. We managed to raise over £250 for local animal charities. Greyhound rescue West of England and Swindon Reptile Rescue.

The theme of the day was fun, fun, fun with animal education thrown in as always and the staff all dressed in glad rags and local and tourist folk were invited to participate in various ways.

A big draw for the weekend was having celebrity dog listener Tony Knight give a very funny and informative talk to customers on the day. He also ran a three day dog behaviour course based at the store, and the feedback from the participants was fabulous. Not only did they learn so much about themselves and their dogs but they had lots of fun too.

Customers enjoyed cakes, coffee, animal handling, advice and more, and went away with a party bag each, various freebies and samples and probably a raffle ticket.

Janine Tozer owner of the store says “We couldn’t be happier with the outcome of the day. We would like to say huge thank you to all the fabulous local businesses and to our suppliers who gave prizes, samples, or who attended on the day to give nutrition and behaviour advice. A very big thank you indeed goes to Tony Knight, celebrity dog listener and Andy from Rolf Hagen for the Nerf challenge. Our team of staff were brilliant on the day and we would like to thank all our lovely customers who came in and took part. They seem to have a lot of fun too. We were delighted to be able to raise some valuable funds for Greyhound Rescue West of England.”

The raffle was a huge success raising a grand total of £132! The prizes were kindly donated by Society Cafe, Eric Snook’s toyshop, MacDonald Bath Spa Hotel , Shakeaway, Roman Bath and The Fashion Museum, Spirit Photography and also many suppliers including Happy Pet, Ancol and Trixie

We were able to treat all the customers who attended the open day to samples and offers due to the generosity of the companies that supplied free samples and products for prizes. A huge thank you to Applaws, Barking heads, Beapher, Burgess, Burns, Canagan, Wofytrade, Company of Animals, Ezydog, Johnsons, Rosewood, Supreme, Tetra, Kong, Pooch and Mutt, Nature’s Way, Green and Wild and Fish4dogs.

We would like to thank you all for the support. It is lovely to be a part of the Bath community.


We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:

Facebook                Twitter             Pinterest

 We are now on Instagram! – notjustpets Follow us and see some fantastic photos!

We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today! 

Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!




Autumn and Winter Time at Not Just Pets

It seems like summer was over before it had began this year. We were very busy in Bath moving our store into next door! We are now at number 10. We love our new signs and animal head decorations.

We are all stocked up with autumn and winter products for all animals. Here are a selection of the best products.

We have dog coats from 10 inches up to 28 inches, in a range of fun colours including florescent yellow for night time walking. Washable and waterproof.

We have the popular LED light up bands in stock – they were very popular last year. They are rechargeable and can be cut to your pet’s size. We also recommend them for you to wear too! Make sure you and your pet are seen when out walking in the evenings.

Available in store and on our Website

Have the set to quick flash, slow flash or continuous light. We have all the different colours in stock and the staff favourite is the black band that lights up all different colours!

One of our best sellers at this time of year is the PAWZ Dog boots. We stock all the sizes available from tiny to Extra Large! They also come in black for the fashion concious dogs.

What are the uses at this time of year?

They protect against irritation caused by chemicals and salt put down to de ice the pavements and roads.

They also protect against untreated ice and snow.

They help with tractions and protect against allergies.

Available in store and on our website


Small animals can sometimes get a bit chilly this time of year. We stock the Snugglesafe microwavable heatpad. These give up to 10 hours of warmth and easy to use. Safe for small animals as they have no wires and are made from bite resistant plastic (unlike a hot water bottle) and they are filled with a non toxic gel that maintains heat that last up to 6 hours and starts cooling off over the remaining 4 hours.

These are available in store

If you have and top tips for keeping your pets safe and warm over the winter we would love to hear from you!