Monthly Archives: October 2017

Lungworm – Keeping Dogs Safe

Keeping Dogs Safe this Autumn

Here at Not Just Pets we try to provide all the care information that is available to help keep pets happy and healthy. We became aware that some owners did not know about Lungworm and we wanted to make sure that the word was spread about the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatments.

What is Lungworm and how is it spread?

Lungworm is a parasite (Angiostrongylus vasorum) that can cause serious health problems in dogs and can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated.

Slugs and snails carry the lungworm larvae and dogs can pick these up just by playing in the garden or area where the slugs and snails have been. Even from their outdoor water bowls and toys.

Dogs unfortunately have plenty of opportunities to come into contact with snails, slugs and slime. Even just investigating the hedgerow or grass on a daily walk.

Signs of Lungworm

Your dog may show signs such as –

  • Change in behaviour
  • Breathing problems
  • Poor blood clotting
  • General sickness

Although these signs may be caused by something else Lungworm can be detected by testing a blood or poo sample. This test can be done by your vet.

Prevention and Treatment

Prevention is the best way to protect your dog. Here at Not Just Pets we sell wormers for dogs that cover protection for roundworm and tapeworm. The medication prescribed to protect against lungworm is available by prescription only. You will be able to get the monthly spot-on lungworm protection from your vet.

You can also arrange to visit your vet and get your dog checked over if your dog loves snails and slugs or if you think they have been in contact them.

Treatments are available if your dog does become ill. Once diagnosed and treated your dog should go on to make a full recovery. Acting early is key to dogs recovering.


Most dog owners know nothing about lungworm and do not realise they need to protect against it. Talk to other dog owners and share the information.

The information above has been provided by the Act Against Lungworm website where you will also find all the information about treatment and prevention as well as view the interactive case map that will show you how many cases of lungworm have been reported in your area.

We put the Not Just Pets postcode for Bath and 162 cases have been reported and for Frome, 201 cases. This information can help you decide the risk for your dog in your area.

Not Just Pets encourages you to share this information with other dog owners and help prevent the spread!

We look forward to welcoming you in store soon;

remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

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