This month we invited our customers to have “holiday pics” taken in our #Frome store in honour of #NationalDogDay – how? We put up a beach backdrop and invited customers in with their dogs to take a frolic on the “beach” and get their seaside snap.
The result was fabulous – we have made a video of all the lovely doggies who took part and have a collage up in store of all the photos. Below we share some of those photos with you for your delight.
For the full album, head over to our Facebook page to check out the Seaside Snaps album here
Some owners were happy to have a lazy lounge on the beach too with their dogs and others let their pooches pose in the limelight.Billy looking cool in his sunnies
Poppy’s owner was feeling the heat, so donned a hat!
We had 34 lovely doggies take part and they were all amazing!
Ursa sports a sunny lei
Our own Ursa took part – she loves the beach and couldn’t resist. She also picked a prop to use!
Uncle Bryn on the Beach, being an absolute angel.
One of the cutest candidates was certainly Uncle Bryn who was an absolute star on the day! Everyone loves Uncle Bryn.
Our HUGE thanks again to everyone who took part. As this hot weather continues, please remember to make sure your pet is kept cool and hydrated. We have plenty of cooling products in store and if you need advice about any of our products, just call us at the store (number below).
Don’t forget we also have a website at and please join us by following our Facebook page at We also have a sister store at Larkhall – and a Facebook page at
The cold weather can be tough on all of us but it is especially tough on our furry friends. As pet owners, it is important to take extra care of our pets during the winter months.
Here are some tips on how to keep your pets safe during the chilly weather.
Paw Protection
Pawz dog boots
Additionally, keep the hair on your dog’s paws groomed to stop snow, ice, salt, and sand from adhering to it, tangling, or causing irritation to their paw pads. Every time you enter from outdoors, give your dog’s paws a warm water wash if they are braving the cold barefoot. Sand and salt can get between your toes and irritate their skin (or burn, in the case of salt). If their paw pads are chapped or dry, put some paw balm on them. You can apply some paw balm before starting your walk to add an extra layer of protection. Please note, however, that after your walk, you will need to wash the balm off their paws to get rid of any remaining particles. Alternatively, get your dog some boots, such as the fabulous PAWZ™ dog boots and ensure paws are fully protected.
Fur coats
Keep your dog’s coat well-groomed as a thick, healthy coat will help keep your dog keep warm in wintry weather. Trims are necessary to maintain the condition of your dog’s coat, but you do not want to cut it too short. Dogs with long hair require a lot of fluff to stay warm. Additionally, dogs with double or triple coats, such as Huskies, Malamutes, and Pomeranians, should not be shaved. Their outer coats assist them in controlling their body temperature. They are insulated by their inner coats.
Sore Noses
Even while a dog’s nose does not often get special attention during regular grooming routines, it should in the winter. The dry air can damage their skin and nails and their nose is experiencing the same effects. Your dog may feel uncomfortable and may even lose their sense of smell if their nose is dry and cracked. To help with this, use a nose balm (you can combine a nose and paw balm for this) to keep their nose soft and wet all winter long.
Provide Proper Shelter
One of the most important things you can do for your dog in the winter is to provide them with a warm, comfortable place to sleep. If your dog spends any time outdoors, make sure they have a snug, dry spot to curl up in when they are not active. A heated dog bed or mat can be a lifesaver for older dogs or breeds that are particularly sensitive to the cold.
Bring Your Dog In From The Cold
When the temperature begins to fall, bring your dog inside. Just like humans, dogs can become hypothermic if they are exposed to the cold for an extended period of time. Your dog will not be able to go outside if it is too chilly for you. Bring them inside and make sure they have a cosy, warm bed free from draughts.
Keep Your Cats Warm
A few more cosy spots around the house for your cat to snuggle up in will be much appreciated. Igloo beds are great for winter because they let your cat get cosy and hide … or a cardboard box with a towel to lie on will do.
Litter Trays/Boxes
Even if your cat regularly relieves itself outside, it is a good idea to have a litter tray inside so they will not feel obligated to go outside in inclement weather or when they cannot make a little hole for themselves in the frozen ground. If you have multiple cats, make sure there is a tray for each cat plus one!
Keep Them Active
Just like us, pets can get cabin fever when they are cooped up indoors all winter. Make sure to give your dog plenty of opportunities to run and play, even if it is just in the backyard. If you can brave the cold for a walk or run, even better! Just be sure to bundle up your pup in a warm coat or sweater if it is particularly cold outside.
For your cat, get them some new toys and make sure you play with them frequently. Since dawn and dusk are peak hunting hours, try to play with your cat during those times.
Stay Visible And Keep Walks Shorter
If you must walk your dog at night, take extra safety measures. To ensure you are both visible to walkers and drivers, LED collars, hi-vis leads and coats can be excellent options for your dog. Take a good torch to illuminate the route and after dark, keep your dog on a lead to avoid hidden dangers and to keep them safe.
Also keep your walks shorter if walking in towns to avoid chemical/salt damage to paws.
Taking Care Of Ageing Joints
Older pets may develop tight joints and arthritis, and occasionally colder temperatures can make these conditions much worse. Take meticulous care of your senior pet’s joints, especially during the winter. Check out our range of foods and products to help your pet’s ageing joints. Good foods like Nature’s Way and Canagan senior/mature contain many joint supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin.
Ice-Covered Ponds
When going for walks in the cold, use extreme caution. Excited dogs may be drawn to frozen ponds and lakes but they can easily slip through the ice (or drag you into it) and get seriously hurt in the chilly water. Keep your dog on a lead to ensure their safety.
Watch For Signs Of Hypothermia Or Frostbite
Dogs can get hypothermia or frostbite just like humans, so it is important to be aware of the signs. If your dog is shivering uncontrollably, has blue lips or gums, has difficulty walking or seems lethargic, they may be suffering from hypothermia. If your dog starts to show any of these signs, bring them inside immediately and warm them up slowly.
Frostbite occurs when the skin and tissue freezes. It most often affects the extremities, like the ears, tail, and paws. If you notice your dog’s skin is pale or bluish in colour or if they seem to be in pain, they may have frostbite. If you suspect your dog has frostbite, warm the affected area gently with warm water.
If you suspect either frostbite or hypothermia, call your vet immediately.
Be Careful With Chemicals
Anti-freeze and de-icer are used in car radiators and to stop cars icing up in winter but they are incredibly toxic for animals and can kill them. Anti-freeze and other chemicals can be tempting for dogs to lick so be sure to keep any chemicals out of reach and clean up any spills immediately. Contact your vet immediately if you suspect that your pet has consumed something toxic.
If you do use antifreeze in your car, be extra careful to use a pet-safe variety – the PDSA has good advice here on which products to use.
Check Under The Bonnet
In cold and wet weather, cats frequently find refuge under cars. Some even climb into the hood to be close to a warm engine. Before starting your automobile, always check inside to see if a furry someone has climbed inside or rap on the bonnet.
Dangerous Plants
Holly, Ivy, and Poinsettia, popular holiday plants, are poisonous to pets if they consume them. Move them out of reach or put them in a room your pet does not have access to or err on the side of caution and use artificial plants to beautify your home.
Caring for our smaller furry friends
Small animals we keep as pets, such as rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets, are quite sensitive to the cold and temperature fluctuations. Even though a sharp drop in temperature can be jarring, there are a few things you can do to support them.
Bring Them In
If your pets are used to living outside, consider moving them inside or into a sheltered place, such as a shed or car-free garage, where they will be safe from the elements. However, keep in mind that they also require light, so make sure they have a window.
Steer Clear Of Draughts
If you are unable to bring small animals that are accustomed to living outdoors, inside, you should prepare their habitat by covering open fronts to shield them from the elements and insulating the sides of the home with newspaper or carpet and making sure they have plenty of bedding to snuggle into. Make sure that tiny animals, such as mice or hamsters are kept indoors and away from draughts of chilly air. You might need to relocate their enclosure away from windows and towards a warmer area of the house.
Just like us, our pets may require a bit more care throughout the winter. Whether you have a dog, cat or a smaller pet, it is critical that they stay secure, warm and active as the weather begins to cool. It can be challenging for both us and our pets to adjust when the days become shorter and the temperatures drop and we go into the winter but with a little extra care and attention to them, you can safely get through winter.
You can buy all the things you need to keep your pet safe in our stores in Frome and Larkhall and many items are online on our website. If you cannot find what you need on there – please ring us and we will be happy to help! Wishing you all a happy and safe winter season.
Follow us on Facebook at and Instagram and Twitter at @NotJustPets – we would love to see pics of your pets in winter! Not Just Pets, 1 Market Place, Frome, BA11 1AG. Tel: 01373 462068
We celebrated our 10th anniversary last month here in our Bath city centre store with a big party and a fun game challenge by the Abbey in Kingston Parade. We managed to raise over £250 for local animal charities. Greyhound rescue West of England and Swindon Reptile Rescue.
The theme of the day was fun, fun, fun with animal education thrown in as always and the staff all dressed in glad rags and local and tourist folk were invited to participate in various ways.
A big draw for the weekend was having celebrity dog listener Tony Knight give a very funny and informative talk to customers on the day. He also ran a three day dog behaviour course based at the store, and the feedback from the participants was fabulous. Not only did they learn so much about themselves and their dogs but they had lots of fun too.
Customers enjoyed cakes, coffee, animal handling, advice and more, and went away with a party bag each, various freebies and samples and probably a raffle ticket.
Janine Tozer owner of the store says “We couldn’t be happier with the outcome of the day. We would like to say huge thank you to all the fabulous local businesses and to our suppliers who gave prizes, samples, or who attended on the day to give nutrition and behaviour advice. A very big thank you indeed goes to Tony Knight, celebrity dog listener and Andy from Rolf Hagen for the Nerf challenge. Our team of staff were brilliant on the day and we would like to thank all our lovely customers who came in and took part. They seem to have a lot of fun too. We were delighted to be able to raise some valuable funds for Greyhound Rescue West of England.”
The raffle was a huge success raising a grand total of £132! The prizes were kindly donated by Society Cafe, Eric Snook’s toyshop, MacDonald Bath Spa Hotel , Shakeaway, Roman Bath and The Fashion Museum, Spirit Photography and also many suppliers including Happy Pet, Ancol and Trixie
We were able to treat all the customers who attended the open day to samples and offers due to the generosity of the companies that supplied free samples and products for prizes. A huge thank you to Applaws, Barking heads, Beapher, Burgess, Burns, Canagan, Wofytrade, Company of Animals, Ezydog, Johnsons, Rosewood, Supreme, Tetra, Kong, Pooch and Mutt, Nature’s Way, Green and Wild and Fish4dogs.
We would like to thank you all for the support. It is lovely to be a part of the Bath community.
We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!
Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:
We are now on Instagram! – notjustpetsFollow us and see some fantastic photos!
We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today!
Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!
We are looking forward to spring and summer time here at Not Just Pets as the sun starts shining across Bath it makes the city shine brighter. We have our spring sale in store at the moment in our Bath store across all departments so why not pop in and grab a bargain!
Spring Sale Window
We are fully stocked with travel and sunny day accessories for all animals. Take care of thirsty dogs with fold down water bowls and clip on water bottles. Dogs can not sweat like us so give your dog a helping hand by using a cooling coat. Just dip in water and place on your dog. Make sure your cat or dog is cool and hydrated with a pet water fountain that filters and keeps water fresh.
If you are on the road, rail or in the air with your pets we have travel accessories that will keep your pets safe and secure. Travel harnesses and airplane approved travel boxes of all sizes for dogs, cats, rabbits and other small animals. Keep your car cool and your pet safe with a Car vent that fits on your window. Never leave your dog in your car unattended.
It is a great time of year to encourage and observe wild animals in your garden . Here at Not Just Pets we stock a wide range of wild bird seeds and feed. As well as a great selection of feeders, tables and houses.
We also keep Spike’s Hedgehog food in stock which is designed for hedgehogs to ensure they are getting the right nutrition. If you find a hedgehog visiting your garden you may be tempted to feed it bread and milk which could do more harm than good.
Why not create your own Spring Watch and install a camera in your garden? We can provide Gardenature bird boxes and camera systems that are specially designed for watching wildlife!
Let us know via twitter or Facebook about the animals that are living in your area!
We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!
Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:
We are now on Instagram! – notjustpetsFollow us and see some fantastic photos!
We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today!
Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!
We have some fantastic news to share with you all! Not Just Pets has won the prestigious award of Pet Product Retail Association (PPRA) Retailer of the Year for 2015!
The PPRA presented their annual awards at the PATS show this week. The awards are seen as the Gold Star Standard in pet product industry. The PPRA asked suppliers to choose the retailer of the year using the criteria of business etiquette, professionalism, reputation and store ambience.
“Each member of staff provides excellent, friendly customer service and is always willing to spend time with customers as well as provide after-sales care,” the PPRA said.
The retailers are nominated by their suppliers and one said: “This business [Not Just Pets] goes the extra mile to ensure their customers are well informed, and their needs are catered for in all aspects of pet matters.”
The staff members here in Bath and Frome are delighted to receive this recognition for their work. The award means a lot to them as it shows their hard work and dedication to the customers and animals has paid off.
“I get to work with some fantastic people who only ever have the best interests of both their customers and the animals in mind. Who would not enjoy that.” Dale Taylor.
“In my time with the company I have had fantastic support and this allows us to develop our skills in a positive environment; personally I have gained confidence in working in retail. I have a passion for animals and it makes me proud to be able to say that I work in a company that puts animal welfare first and that is always looking for ways to further enrich the lives of animals both in store and at home with our customers.” Hannah Coombes.
Janine and Mike Tozer owners of Not Just Pets said
“We are thrilled to win this award and especially as we had no idea we had been nominated by our suppliers. We are very proud of all the team members of Not Just Pets as this really highlights their commitment and hard work and their dedication to good customer service, backed up by sound knowledge with a friendly approach. Fantastic!”
We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!
Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:
We are now on Instagram! – notjustpetsFollow us and see some fantastic photos!
We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today!
Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!
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