It’s Christmas! 2014 News and Products

December is here which can mean one thing… Christmas! The best time of the year where we can decorate the store, get ready for Christmas and display all the favourite Christmas stock! We have been busy stocking our shelves with festive treats for all animals.

This blog will contain all the Cracking Christmas treats that we have in store for dogs, cats, and small animals as well as how we are preparing for the Christmas festivities.

We have decorated our Bath city centre store windows with a festive scene and a winter wild bird window.



Here is a shot of the wild bird window! As you can see it is a wintry scene with some very wild birds joining us… March of the penguins!






In our other window we have a festive party with a wintry scene. Father Christmas seems to be having some trouble on the roof!




We have a range of Christmas toys and treats for cats, dogs and small animals as well as all our usual toys, accessories and gift ideas.



Does your cat or dog look at you longingly for your favourite Christmas treats? Here in the Armitage range are dog and cat friendly treats including mince pies!






Small animals are not forgotten this festive season. We have some lovely natural festive treats, toys and accessories available for them to enjoy. Christmas stockings also available.







 What special doggy wouldn’t want to wake up to these special gifts on Christmas morning! A fantastic pudding outfit, a festive dog friendly cracker, a soft reindeer toy and a lovely bed. We have a range of festive costumes, coats and jumpers for dogs of all sizes. We have plenty of beds in our Relaxing room downstairs where you can try out the beds! We stock a wide range of colours and sizes.


There are plenty of special gifts and toys for our festive felines! Doesn’t this igloo bed look warm and cosy?

Festive toy balls, tinsel wise and danglers as well as a festive stocking just for cats!

Billy+Margot have these fantastic Luxury Christmas crackers for dogs! They look fab, just like the real thing, only these do not have a bang inside so are great for dogs!

They do include a joke, a hat and a packet of treats, antler or bone.



We have had an extra helper this year in the Bath city centre store in the shape of the Christmas Bear who likes to share! He helped us by promoting Christmas discounts on Facebook and Twitter!

Here he is helping Mike out on the till!

Helping himself to the Billy+Margot crackers!








Measuring dogs up for warm coats to keep them warm on their festive winter walks!

Promoting the Natures Menu and Lily’s Kitchen products that we stock, by trying to make Christmas trees out of them!








Making snowflakes out of wild bird food!

Here he is making friends with the goldfish and looking very comfortable with the festive Vet Bed we have in stock. Is this the Princess and the Pea? No! It’s the Christmas Bear deciding which colour bed he likes the most!







Are you are going away over Christmas? Do you have anyone to free to care or your pets? If the answer is no then give the store a call! Our Pet Hotel has spaces available for small animals, birds and reptiles.

In our Bath city centre store we have spaces available over the festive period! Staff will be in store over the Christmas break so your pet will be cared for everyday, including Christmas day!

We are open all the way up until the 24th December Christmas Eve should you or your pet need anything in our stores. All your pet needs will be sorted over the Christmas period. Contact us if you have any questions or queries.

We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:

Facebook                Twitter             Pinterest

 We are now on Instagram! – notjustpets Follow us and see some fantastic photos!

We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today! 

Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!

Fantastic New Shopping Experience With Three New Rooms at Not Just Pets

Our Bath city centre store now has three new rooms that are all ready for customers to visit. These new rooms will enhance the customer shopping experience and offer something different and new! We have taken the customer feedback about the store and have integrated them into three new rooms in our downstairs area. We are eager for customers to come in and visit them so we can hear what they think about them.

The first of our three rooms is The Garden Room. The store layout as it was did not have enough room to display all the big hutches, cages and coops that we keep in stock for customers to view. We have decorated the room to look like a lovely sunny garden. With Grass, a tree, butterfly, birds and bees. Customers can now see the hutches built up and see the quality and size to help them choose what is right for their needs.

The second of our new rooms is The Relax and Play Room. The area is big enough to stock a vast array of bed designs and sizes that customers were asking for. Customers can now try out the beds and see which they would like to purchase. There are beds for cats and dogs of all shapes and sizes. They look very inviting and we have to check no one has fallen asleep in there! This is the relaxing part of the room.

The play part of the room has a fantastic treat dispenser that with 50 pence you can get a handful of treats to try out the interactive treat toys that we stock. There is enough space for dogs to try out the toys before you buy them. At the moment we have some great Kong toys to try out and the first 6 customers who say “Treat please” at the till will have a free go on the treat dispenser and toys!

The third new room boasts the best views from around the world! It is our very own Pet Hotel. This is a dedicated area for boarding small animals, pets and birds. Decorated to look like a hotel room complete with lamp, rug and bible. We are able to offer the customer 7 days a week pet boarding, safe in the knowledge that their pet is well looked after here in Bath.  We have prices per day and discounts for longer stays and multiple animals. Call the store today and ask for a quote. The Pet Hotel will even be open over the Christmas holidays! So if you are planning on going away we can make sure your pets are well looked after.

We look forward to hearing your feedback about the new rooms! We think they add to the shopping experience by offering more choice, space and peace of mind.

 We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:

Facebook                Twitter             Pinterest

 We are now on Instagram! – notjustpets Follow us and see some fantastic photos!

We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today! 

Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!

Keeping pets safe this summer

Summer has finally arrived here in Bath and we have been having some fantastic weather recently. This got all the staff thinking of different ways we keep cool and how we can help animals keep safe, happy and cool during summer.

So here are our top tips for keeping pets cool this summer

  • Place frozen water bottles on top of their cage and this will act like air conditioning as the cooler air will sink into the cage as heat rises.
  • Give them frozen fruit and veg to eat
  •  Pea bobbing! – Place frozen peas in a water bowl – Fun at the same time!
  • Ice pads are available to buy to help keep your pets environment cool.
  • keep them out of direct sunlight – move their cage or shade the room by drawing the curtains
  • Keep them hydrated – always have drinking water available
  • keep damp towels in their sleeping area to help keep them cool.
  • Do not ever leave your pet in a car for any length of time!
  • Do not leave your pet in the conservatory! – Like a green house it can get very hot
  • Travel bowls and bottles are a great way to give a drink when out and about
  • Billy+Margot Iced treats for dogs are a tasty way for dogs to keep cool! In fabulous flavours too!
  • Put rubber or rope toys in cold water and then freeze them giving a soothing chew toy
  • Reptiles can also over heat – you can use special reptile enclosure fans to ensure the enclosure has a cooler end for your pets to cool off in.

If you need to travel with your pets we suggest 

  • Use a windscreen  shade to keep them  cool and out of sunlight whilst in the car
  • Use a pet guard on the window so there can be a breeze without the risk of your pet escaping
  • Travel non spill bowls are great for travelling and keeping hydrated.
Why is there so much fuss about keeping dogs cool? Dogs do not regulate their body temperature the same way we humans do. They pant and have sweat glands in their paws and their noses, but not a lot of body heat is lost that way. So if a dog gets hot quickly, like being in a hot stuffy car, they have no way to cool down.  This is why we support the RSPCA campaign Dogs die in hot cars!
On our Facebook page we are running a photograph competition! Win a prize and your pet will have pride of place as our cover star on our Facebook page! The theme is What does your pet do to keep cool? Here are some examples of what Luna loves to do!

She loves to paddle in the sea and chase the waves

She loves the Billy+Margot doggie iced treats!

She likes to explore the rivers and streams!

We look forward to seeing your entries on our Facebook page (or tweet us!)

Let us know any of your keeping cool tips!


We look forward to welcoming you in store soon; remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:

Facebook                Twitter             Pinterest

 We are now on Instagram! – notjustpets Follow us and see some fantastic photos!

We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today! 

Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!

Pet emergency – Part 1 – Dogs and chocolate what is safe?

This weeks blog is part of our Pet Emergency series that will offer advice and information around what life is like living with animals and what to do when there is an emergency.

This is Part 1 which will explain why dogs can not eat chocolate and what to do if your dog eats some by accident.

The Not Just Pets Blog post is for information only. It should not replace veterinary advice. If it is an emergency and your pet is ill please ring a vet immediately. 

What is in chocolate that is so bad for dogs?

Chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine which is similar to caffeine. This is what is poisonous to dogs. Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine, white chocolate the least and dark chocolate the most.

In 25 grams of white chocolate there is minimal amount, in milk chocolate 44-64mg, in dark chocolate 390-450mg and in dry cocoa powder 800mg.

100-150mg of theobromine per Kg of bodyweight is toxic to dogs. So if a regular sized dog weighing 30kg eats 1kg of milk chocolate it is enough for a fatal toxic reaction.

How does it harm your dog?

Theobromine will affect your dog’s heart, central nervous system and its kidneys, depending on how much the dog has eaten compared to its body weight.

What are the symptoms of chocolate poisoning?

When a dog has eaten some chocolate depending on how much they have eaten and their body weight you can expect these symptoms.

  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • restlessness
  • breathing difficulties
  • muscle tension
  • increased heart rate
  • seizure

These can start from 4 hours up to 24 hours after consumption. The sooner you get to see a vet the better the outcome for your dog

What should you do if your dog eats chocolate by mistake?

Contact your vet straight away and they will be available to advise you of what to do. They will offer treatment which will be induced vomiting to avoid the chocolate being ingested. If it is too late for that then the vet may offer medication to control the dog’s heart rate and blood pressure.

Case study Lola the staffie 

Lola is a one year old staffie, her owner Siobhan adopted her from the local shelter. The family knows that Lola likes to scavenge for food and so no tasty tidbits are ever left out and about for Lola to help herself to. Siobhan has two children who have been taught not to give Lola anything extra to eat.

Last Sunday was Easter Sunday and the children had their Easter egg. Siobhan’s oldest child put her egg down on the table for a second and Lola had scoffed it! This could have happened to anyone that owns a dog; with all the extra treats and excitement going on during a family event sometimes thing can go wrong. Dogs seem to know how tasty chocolate is and will take any open opportunity to get it!

Knowing chocolate is not good for dogs Siobhan rang the vets and was able to take Lola in to be seen. They made her vomit so she didn’t ingest the chocolate as the amount she had eaten would have done some serious damage if not killed Lola. Lola was back home that evening with her family safe and sound.

If Siobhan didn’t know the dangers of chocolate she may not have called the vet straight away. Most pet owners do not call the vet until their pet is showing signs that they are ill. The symptoms of chocolate poisoning may not show up until 4-24 hours later when it may be too late for your vet to take action.

What if I like to give my dog a treat?

The information here is to let you the pet owner be aware of why certain things are not recommended for pets. If you enjoy giving your pet a tasty treat or you get those puppy dog eyes looking at you when you are eating your favourite snack, don’t be tempted to give a little taste as there are some alternatives! At Not Just Pets we stock a variety of treats that are suitable for dogs including doggie chocolate bars!

Our staff are on hand to guide you through all the different treats available. From biscuits and chocolate drops to pigs’ ears! There is something for every dog and pocket.

We look forward to welcoming you in store soon: remember we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:

On Facebook:( and Twitter: ( and  Pinterest: (

We are now on Instagram! – notjustpets Follow us and see some fantastic photos!

We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today! 

Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!

Spring time news!

The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer and as we head into the last week of March it is starting to feel like Spring has sprung.

Spring is known as a time of year for fresh starts and new beginnings, and here at Not Just Pets we too have some new ideas we would like to share with you.

We are taking the blog updates in a new direction to share news, advice, products and information in a regular newsletter. These will be once a week and include reviews, news, information and stories! We are also hoping that you the reader and pet owner will help contribute to these by sending in pictures and stories of your pets when they have settled into their forever home. These can be old pets, new pets, or borrowed pets! Everyone is encouraged to get involved in illustrating the wonderful world of pets as part of the family. In return we will be offering contests, giveaways, information and advice as well as tutorials and how-to guides and product reviews. We will be reviewing new products available as well as old favourites. We will be demonstrating the benefits of why we recommend and love them.

News from in store this week

We had the Greyhound rescue charity event in store on Saturday 22nd of March. Greyhound rescue West of England volunteers and dogs were in store raising funds for their charity. They work hard to promote rescue of the greyhound and lurcher breeds as well as promoting the benefits of the breeds themselves. They have all the information about rehoming and rescuing on their page.

Greyhound rescue

Offers in store this week

We currently have 25% off Trixie Prince and Princess bowls, beds and toys! These are especially designed for your royal pet! In subtle colours and patterns your cat or dog will love these items and at 25% off now is the best time to treat them.

We also have 25% off our luxury Petface, Beco and Trixie beds. Some lovely designs and colours that will suit any home and pet.

On our Tasting table this week … In store each week we will have a sample of products for your pet (and you if you so desire!) to sample and try out. Our staff will be on hand to tell you the benefits of these products as well as any other items in the range that would suit your pet.

This week we have

Billy + Margot treats (all varieties)
Lily’s Kitchen biscuits and treats (for reward, bedtime and training)
Nature’s menu Country Hunter treats

New Products in store for you to try

In store this week we have a new tinned wet food from the company that brought you Doggie Icecream! Billy + Margot. Their new meals combine meats, fruits, vegetables and vitamin supplements to provide a complete meal for our adult dog or puppy. This new product is made in Britain and uses the best human grade ingredients. available in four delicious sounding flavours and a special tin available for puppies, we hope your pet loves them as much as we do!

Also available in store this week is a new treat from Billy + Margot called Fish skin cubes. These low calorie, hypoallergenic treats are suitable for any dog. So if your pet is trying to lose weight or has allergies they don’t have to miss out! Made from Defra approved, sustainable sourced fish and nothing else this is an ideal treat to pick up and keep handy on your walks as a training treat or at home as a reward.

We look forward to welcoming you in store soon remeber we are open in our Bath store 7 days a week!

Any ideas and suggestions you have will be welcomed. You can follow us in many ways:

On Facebook:( and Twitter: ( and  Pinterest: (

– plus we will be joining Instagram soon too!

We run regular photo competitions, quizzes, offers and promotions on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not “like” or “follow” us today! 

Get in touch via any of the above, or via our website or email at or telephone us on 01225 461461. Or simply pop in, you’ll be welcome!