The Dangerous Dogs Act New Amendment- How It Affects You and Your Dog

The Dangerous Dogs Act (section 3) is a law that protects the public from dogs that can cause harm. That does not only apply to banned breeds but any dog that is considered a dangerous threat. In May of this year the law was amended to apply to private property as well as in public spaces. This will impact on all dog owners as they will need to protect any visitor to their home as well as delivery drivers and post men and women. If they do not manage their dog’s behaviour when there is a visitor, delivery driver or post person at their door they risk committing a criminal offence.

At Not Just Pets we care about animals and their owners and we would like to share this vital information so you are aware of how to protect yourself and your pets. The National Animal Welfare Trust (NAWT) have some great information about how the Dangerous Dogs Act affects all dog owners no matter what size, age or breed.

The NAWT have a website and blog with a summary of what you can do to protect you and your dog in regards to the law. Below is a list of the steps they have suggested:

Ensure your garden is safe – this will not only make sure that your dog can’t escape out of the garden and be injured, or possibly be considered a threat but also protects unexpected visitors who will not be able to enter your property without your knowledge.

Manage your dog’s behaviour at your front door – Plan ahead and have a routine when there is a visitor at your door. You need to be able to have visitors at your door without them encountering your dog. Put your dog in another room or out in the back garden if that is secure.

Manage your dog’s behaviour when there is a knock on the door – You may need to help your dog manage its behaviour and seek professional training to help your dog and you. Your dog doesn’t need to bite someone for them to be considered a threat.

Manage the way your dog greets people – You need to make sure they behave in a way that is acceptable to all visitors. You might not mind them jumping up but others may consider that aggressive behaviour.

On the 16th July 7-8pm the NAWT is offering a free Webinar to help people become aware of the act and the amendment. Register for your place and you will be able to learn more about the act.

Owning a dog is a great responsibility and as the owner you are required to train your dog and keep them safe.

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